Thursday, November 3, 2022

The United States Supreme Court

United States Supreme Court Building - Wikipedia

    Established in 1789,  the Supreme Court of the United States ensures equal justice for the American people. It is the highest federal court in the country. The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices that dedicate their entire lives to the court system. I personally have never been well educated on the Supreme Court system and these videos sparked an interest that I did not know I had. 

    The history of the Supreme Court was fascinating. When the Supreme Court was created in 1801, something unheard of happened; under John Marshall, an act of congress was struck down as unconstitutional for the first time. Under Marshalls leadership, the Supreme Court earned great public respect. 20 years later, the Dred Scott Decision was made and is a huge bookmark in American History. The court rides on the constitution to help them come to decisions. 

    I love learning from Ruth Bader Ginsburg shortly in this video. She discussed the differences between the current constitution and the constitution that existed before the Bill of Rights was added. We did not even have the 19th amendment that protects a woman's right to vote. 

    The most important thing that I took away from these videos is that sometimes bills need to be updated as times change. Although, usually, I believe that things like the constitution should not be changed, I now understand how important it is to be checked and modernized. 

    I was very surprised to see how personable the Supreme Court justices are. Before watching these videos, I always thought of the justices to be tough, old and cruel. It was eye-opening to see these people work so hard to protect the people and make thoughtful, conscious decisions.

     These videos thoroughly changed my view of the Supreme Court. Although they have been under heat on the news, they truly are doing what they know to be best for this country. They are the most powerful court system in the world, which is unbelievable knowing that they do not abuse this power. I gained a lot of respect and interest in the Supreme Court.


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