Sunday, December 11, 2022

Blog 10: In the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence is defined as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. AI is evolving everyday and is used more than we realized. Today we see AI in self-driving cars, virtual response calls and texts, Siri, Alexa and so much more. 

I was able to educate myself on Artificial Intelligence by watching the documentary, "In the Age of AI." I think most people worry about AI in a way that it could one day take over the world like we see in so many robot movies. As technology advances everyday, it continues to come more prevalent in everyday life. I find that my biggest "fear" when it comes to AI is how it will affect the future of jobs in America. This documentary did a great job of covering this issue. If there is a day that AI can complete jobs faster and cheaper than humans, these jobs will no longer be available. As a country that already has an issue with unemployment, this will only make it worse. 

It is also a big worry that AI is able to track and process information so easily. These AI devices track what we do on our phones, computers, and most other electronic devices. This is not only scary because of the invasion of privacy. The information that they develop and track could be used against people, companies, governments and so much more. Although we are promised to be protected from this, the promise has been broken numerous times before. 
Although this documentary confirmed a lot of fears that people have about AI and world domination, there are positives to it as well. AI can take over dangerous tasks, it can work 24/7, make unbiased decisions, and perform jobs that humans could not. In the healthcare field, AI is a huge success already and will continue to help people that suffer from illnesses and disabilities. 

Although we may not want the world to be run by AI, it looks like that could happen in the near future. This is out of our control, but how we deal with it is not. Being educated on exactly how AI works and being aware of it in your everyday life could protect you from issues that are bound to occur.

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